In the press media

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Building Balance: How Gary Das is Bringing sustainability to business and lifestyle coaching

In the quest for entrepreneurial success, the balancing act between fostering a thriving business and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is often skewed. For business owners aiming to scale from six to seven figures, this balance is not just desirable but essential for sustained success. Yet, striking this equilibrium remains a daunting challenge, leading to a compromise on one end all too often.

Coach Gary Das: Turning leads into lifestyles worth living

Imagine a business environment where success is not just measured by profit margins but also by how much you enjoy your life. Many entrepreneurs find balancing the rigorous demands of a growing business with personal happiness an elusive goal.

Brokers praise BDM service overall but criticise others for ‘window dressing’

Chelmsford entrepreneur Up for major business award

Broker Focus: Gary Das, founder, Active Mortgage

Why brokers should consider a second charge mortgage

Meet the broker… Active Mortgage

Shift in access to self-employed mortgages

Rising number of homeowners expected to be rejected by lenders

Bouncing back from the lows of being a mortgage broker

How to survive tough market conditions

Signs of renewed stability in housing and mortgage markets

Customers must be allowed to switch to interest only products penalty free

Broker burnout – what can be done to provide better support?

What makes a good mortgage broker?

The important role delegation plays in business success

The important role delegation plays in business success

The important role delegation plays in business success

The Intermediary – February 2024

Unlocking the Entrepreneurial Blueprint: A journey from mortgage maverick to lead generation guru – an interview with Gary Das

Five mistakes most business leaders make with their finances

Mastering the Art of Discipline: The correlation between mindset, habit, and business success

Mortgage tips for high network individuals and business owners

In this Q&A, business leader, author, and mortgage adviser, Gary Das – founder of Active Financial – discusses the difficulties SME business owners face when applying for a mortgage.