9 Traits of our Most Successful Business Owner Customers

Today I wanted to talk to you about the nine traits of our most common business owner customers. Now, as you may know, being a mortgage broker my niche and specialism and expertise are all focused on helping self-employed business owners to buy and invest in property. Having had success now with over 500 business […]

12 Lessons From 12 Years In Business!

Today I wanted to talk to you about 12 lessons from 12 years in business because on the 8th of November was my 12 year anniversary of being self-employed, a business owner, sole trader, entrepreneur, whatever I choose to call myself. So let’s get right into things, shall we?   Number 1: Mindset Mindset and […]

Attraction Based Marketing and How to Use it Effectively

I wanted to come to you today because we are in December 2018. We have less than a month left of the year and I think every single year, December is an opportunity to reflect on your marketing strategy going into the next year 2019, making sure that you’re going to attract the right type […]

Morning or Evening? Which Is the Best Time To Workout?

How to Get up, Get Active and Make the Most out of Your Day! | Energetic | Dynamic | Hard-Working There are so many views on when is the best time to eat, when is the best time to work out, don’t do this, do that. I say there is no one size fits all […]