The Evolution of ACTIVE ENTREPRENEUR | Personal Branding | Mindset | Content Marketing

Brand, Market and Building your business around your lifestyle.

Welcome ladies and Gentlemen to my personal website. I have been taking my time to make improvement and develop the Active Entrepreneur brand. I’m sure you can agree that we entrepreneurs have a million ideas and sometimes we run before we can walk?

Well, I am very excited to be back with a new and improved direction for my personal brand.

So firstly, let me start by saying, Sorry. Now you may be asking why? Well, because I’m going to be reducing the amount of mortgage-related content we produce at Active Mortgage to no more than at least one video per week. The issue that I have with producing mortgage content for you is the pure fact of our industry compliance.

I must record a video, I have to get a transcription, and I have to send it off to my compliance firm for them to report back on whether it meets the regulator compliance standards. The main things they are checking are if it is true, fair and not misleading. I love producing content however when I am completely conscious of every word that comes out of my mouth to adhere to the guidelines and not get into trouble it takes some of the fun out of producing the content in the first place.

I don’t have the freedom to talk about much at all. My first 12 years in business has been a hell of a roller coaster with many lessons learned and value I can share. I’ve spent thousands of pounds over the last couple of years on personal development, investing in my knowledge on marketing, branding and area of building a business. I want to share that with you and I can’t do that through the Active Mortgage brand.

My 12-year history includes;

  • Starting as most do as a one-man band.
  • Letting a friend buy-in to the business and how I bought him back out.
  • Growing a team of 12 with a turnover over of £750,000 and hating the business model
  • My all-time low of coming very close to going bankrupt.
  • Gone from spending £20,000 a month on buying leads, names and numbers, to spending £0 on marketing in 3 years
  • Writing an Amazon best-selling book.
  • Speaking on stage.
  • Building a personal profile and becoming the expert in a niche that attracts the ideal client to my business

I don’t tell you this to brag, only to help you because if I can do it in 2.5 years, so can you.

My Next Steps:

Having spoken to thousands of business owners and entrepreneurs since January 2016, a lot of the issues my clients have faced are focused on branding, marketing, lead generation, time management and building their businesses. From those conversations, it has become so apparent to me that we want to build our businesses without sacrificing time from our families. When I was on holiday, I realised that the whole reason, why I do what I do is for my wife and my three kids.

But, if I’m constantly building the business, then I’m not going to be having an impact on their life. And I’m sure you want to have an impact on your children’s lives and you want to see them grow up.

So as important as it is to build a business, one it’s got to be fun, but two you’ve got to do it around your family.

I love mortgages, I love business and I absolutely love helping, inspiring and motivating others.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this.

I am sure that you’re going to find value in the future content. Please give me some feedback so I can continue to bring you content that is going to be valuable to help you grow, help you make more money, help you have more time with your family, and to live a better life.

Peace out.


What to do next:

Check out my YouTube Channel where I produce brand new content every week – YouTube Channel


Follow me on Facebook to see my Facebook Lives – Facebook


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